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This script illustrates how one can produce dual windows using GABMIXDUAL

The demo constructs a dual window that is more concentrated in the time domain by mixing the original Gabor window by one that is extremely well concentrated. The result is somewhat in the middle of these two.

The lower framebound of the mixing Gabor system is horrible, but this does not carry over to the gabmixdual.


Gabmixdual of two Gaussians.

The first row of the figure shows the canonical dual window of the input window, which is a Gaussian function perfectly localized in the time and frequency domains.

The second row shows the canonical dual window of the window we will be mixing with: This is a Gaussian that is 10 times more concentrated in the time domain than in the frequency domain. The resulting canonical dual window has rapid decay in the time domain.

The last row shows the gabmixdual of these two. This is a non-canonical dual window of the first Gaussian, with decay resembling that of the second.