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GABELITISTLASSO - Elitist LASSO regression in Gabor domain


[tc,xrec] = gabelitistlasso(x,g,a,M,lambda,C,tol,maxit)

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Input parameters

x Input signal
g Synthesis window function
a Length of time shift
M Number of channels
lambda Regularization parameter, controls sparsity of the solution

Output parameters

tc Thresholded coefficients
relres Vector of residuals.
iter Number of iterations done.
xrec Reconstructed signal


gabelitistlasso(x,g,a,M,lambda) solves the elitist LASSO regression problem in the Gabor domain: minimize a functional of the synthesis coefficients defined as the sum of half the \(l^2\) norm of the approximation error and the mixed \(l^2\) / \(l^1\) norm of the coefficient sequence, with a penalization coefficient lambda.

The matrix of Gabor coefficients is labelled in terms of groups and members. The obtained expansion is sparse in terms of groups, no sparsity being imposed to the members of a given group. This is achieved by a regularization term composed of \(l^2\) norm within a group, and \(l^1\) norm with respect to groups.

[tc,relres,iter] = gabelitistlasso(...) returns the residuals relres in a vector and the number of iteration steps done, maxit.

[tc,relres,iter,xrec] = gabelitistlasso(...) returns the reconstructed signal from the coefficients, xrec. Note that this requires additional computations.

The function takes the following optional parameters at the end of the line of input arguments:

'freq' Group in frequency (search for tonal components). This is the default.
'time' Group in time (search for transient components).
'C',cval Landweber iteration parameter: must be larger than square of upper frame bound. Default value is the upper frame bound.
'tol',tol Stopping criterion: minimum relative difference between norms in two consecutive iterations. Default value is 1e-2.
'maxit',maxit Stopping criterion: maximal number of iterations to do. Default value is 100.
'print' Display the progress.
'quiet' Don't print anything, this is the default.
'printstep',p If 'print' is specified, then print every p'th iteration. Default value is 10;

The parameters C, itermax and tol may also be specified on the command line in that order: gabgrouplasso(x,g,a,M,lambda,C,tol,maxit).

The solution is obtained via an iterative procedure, called Landweber iteration, involving iterative group thresholdings.

The relationship between the output coefficients is given by

xrec = idgt(tc,g,a);