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UFILTERBANK - Apply Uniform filterbank




ufilterbank(f,g,a) applies the filter given in g to the signal f. Each subband will be subsampled by a factor of a (the hop-size). If f is a matrix, the transformation is applied to each column.

The filters g must be a cell-array, where each entry in the cell array corresponds to a filter.

If f is a single vector, then the output will be a matrix, where each column in f is filtered by the corresponding filter in g. If f is a matrix, the output will be 3-dimensional, and the third dimension will correspond to the columns of the input signal.

The coefficients c computed from the signal f and the filterbank with windows g_m are defined by

\begin{equation*} c\left(n+1,m+1\right)=\sum_{l=0}^{L-1}f\left(l+1\right)g\left(an-l+1\right) \end{equation*}