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FRAMEBOUNDS - Frame bounds




framebounds(F) calculates the ratio \(B/A\) of the frame bounds of the frame given by F. The length of the system the frame bounds are calculated for is given by L=framelength(F,1).

framebounds(F,Ls) additionally specifies a signal length for which the frame should work. The actual length used is L=framelength(F,Ls).

[A,B]=framebounds(F) returns the frame bounds A and B instead of just their ratio.

'framebounds` accepts the following optional parameters:

'fac' Use a factorization algorithm. The function will throw an error if no algorithm is available.
'iter' Call eigs to use an iterative algorithm.
'full' Call eig to solve the full problem.
'auto' Choose the fac method if possible, otherwise use the full method for small problems and the iter method for larger problems. This is the default.
'crossover',c Set the problem size for which the 'auto' method switches between full and iter. Default is 200.

The following parameters specifically related to the iter method:

'tol',t Stop if relative residual error of eigs is less than the specified tolerance. Default is 1e-9
'maxit',n Do at most n iterations in eigs. Default is 100.
'pcgtol',t Stop if relative residual error of pcg is less than the specified tolerance. Default is 1e-6

'pcgmaxit=n Do at most n iterations in pcg. Default is 150.'

'p',p The number of Lanzcos basis vectors to use. More vectors will result in faster convergence, but a larger amount of memory. The optimal value of p is problem dependent and should be less than L. The default value chosen automatically by eigs.
'print' Display the progress.
'quiet' Don't print anything, this is the default.