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LTFAT - Gabor analysis

Peter L. Søndergaard, 2007 - 2023.

Basic Time/Frequency analysis

  • tconv - Twisted convolution
  • dsft - Discrete Symplectic Fourier Transform
  • zak - Zak transform
  • izak - Inverse Zak transform
  • col2diag - Move columns of a matrix to diagonals
  • s0norm - S0-norm

Gabor systems

  • dgt - Discrete Gabor transform
  • idgt - Inverse discrete Gabor transform
  • isgram - Iterative reconstruction from spectrogram
  • isgramreal - Iterative reconstruction from spectrogram for real-valued signals
  • dgt2 - 2D Discrete Gabor transform
  • idgt2 - 2D Inverse discrete Gabor transform
  • dgtreal - dgt for real-valued signals
  • idgtreal - idgt for real-valued signals
  • gabwin - Evaluate Gabor window
  • projkern - Projection of Gabor coefficients onto kernel space
  • dgtlength - Length of Gabor system to expand a signal

Multi-Gabor systems

  • multidgtrealmp - Matching pursuit decomposition in Multi-Gabor system

Wilson bases and WMDCT

Reconstructing windows

Conditions numbers

Phase gradient methods and reassignment

Phase reconstruction

Phase conversions

Support for non-separable lattices


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