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GABPHASEGRAD - Phase gradient of the DGT

Program code:

function [tgrad,fgrad,c]=gabphasegrad(method,varargin)
%GABPHASEGRAD   Phase gradient of the DGT
%   Usage:  [tgrad,fgrad,c] = gabphasegrad('dgt',f,g,a,M);
%           [tgrad,fgrad]   = gabphasegrad('phase',cphase,a);
%           [tgrad,fgrad]   = gabphasegrad('abs',s,g,a);
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD(method,...) computes the relative 
%   time-frequency gradient of the phase of the DGT of a signal. 
%   The derivative in time tgrad is the relative instantaneous 
%   frequency while the frequency derivative fgrad is the negative
%   of the local group delay.
%   tgrad is a measure the deviation from the current channel frequency,
%   so a value of zero means that the instantaneous frequency is equal to 
%   the center frequency of the considered channel, a positive value means
%   the true absolute intantaneous frequency is higher than the current 
%   channel frequency and vice versa. 
%   Similarly, fgrad is a measure of deviation from the current time 
%   positions.
%   fgrad is scaled such that distances are measured in samples. Similarly,
%   tgrad is scaled such that the Nyquist frequency (the highest possible
%   frequency) corresponds to a value of L/2. The absolute time and 
%   frequency positions can be obtained as
%      tgradabs = bsxfun(@plus,tgrad,fftindex(M)*L/M);
%      fgradabs = bsxfun(@plus,fgrad,(0:L/a-1)*a);
%   Please note that neither tgrad and fgrad nor tgradabs and 
%   fgradabs are true derivatives of the DGT phase. To obtain the true
%   phase derivatives, one has to explicitly pass either 'freqinv' or 
%   'timeinv' flags and scale both tgrad and fgrad by 2*pi/L.
%   The computation of tgrad and fgrad is inaccurate when the absolute
%   value of the Gabor coefficients is low. This is due to the fact the the
%   phase of complex numbers close to the machine precision is almost
%   random. Therefore, tgrad and fgrad may attain very large random values
%   when abs(c) is close to zero.
%   The computation can be done using four different methods.
%     'dgt'    Directly from the signal using algorithm by Auger and
%              Flandrin.
%     'phase'  From the phase of a DGT of the signal. This is the
%              classic method used in the phase vocoder.
%     'abs'    From the absolute value of the DGT. Currently this
%              method works only for Gaussian windows.
%     'cross'  Directly from the signal using algorithm by Nelson.
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('dgt',f,g,a,M) computes the time-frequency
%   gradient using a DGT of the signal f. The DGT is computed using the
%   window g on the lattice specified by the time shift a and the number
%   of channels M. The algorithm used to perform this calculation computes
%   several DGTs, and therefore this routine takes the exact same input
%   parameters as DGT.
%   The window g may be specified as in DGT. If the window used is
%   'gauss', the computation will be done by a faster algorithm.
%   [tgrad,fgrad,c]=GABPHASEGRAD('dgt',f,g,a,M) additionally returns the
%   Gabor coefficients c, as they are always computed as a byproduct of the
%   algorithm.
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('cross',f,g,a,M) does the same as above
%   but this time using algorithm by Nelson which is based on computing 
%   several DGTs.
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('phase',cphase,a) computes the phase
%   gradient from the phase cphase of a DGT of the signal. The original DGT
%   from which the phase is obtained must have been computed using a
%   time-shift of a using the default phase convention ('freqinv') e.g.:
%        [tgrad,fgrad]=gabphasegrad('phase',angle(dgt(f,g,a,M)),a)
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('abs',s,g,a) computes the phase gradient
%   from the spectrogram s. The spectrogram must have been computed using
%   the window g and time-shift a e.g.:
%        [tgrad,fgrad]=gabphasegrad('abs',abs(dgt(f,g,a,M)),g,a)
%   [tgrad,fgrad]=GABPHASEGRAD('abs',s,g,a,difforder) uses a centered finite
%   diffence scheme of order difforder to perform the needed numerical
%   differentiation. Default is to use a 4th order scheme.
%   Currently the 'abs' method only works if the window g is a Gaussian
%   window specified as a string or cell array.
%   See also: resgram, gabreassign, dgt
%   References:
%     F. Auger and P. Flandrin. Improving the readability of time-frequency
%     and time-scale representations by the reassignment method. IEEE Trans.
%     Signal Process., 43(5):1068--1089, 1995.
%     E. Chassande-Mottin, I. Daubechies, F. Auger, and P. Flandrin.
%     Differential reassignment. Signal Processing Letters, IEEE,
%     4(10):293--294, 1997.
%     J. Flanagan, D. Meinhart, R. Golden, and M. Sondhi. Phase Vocoder. The
%     Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 38:939, 1965.
%     Z. Průša. STFT and DGT phase conventions and phase derivatives
%     interpretation. Technical report, Acoustics Research Institute,
%     Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2015.
%   Url:

% Copyright (C) 2005-2023 Peter L. Soendergaard <> and others.
% This file is part of LTFAT version 2.6.0
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program.  If not, see <>.

% AUTHOR: Peter L. Søndergaard, 2008; Zdenek Průša 2015


% If no phaseconv flag was passed, add 'relative'
definput = arg_gabphasederivconv;
if ~any(cellfun(@(el) any(strcmpi(el,varargin)),definput.flags.phaseconv))
    varargin{end+1} = 'relative';

if nargout<3
    phased = gabphasederiv({'t','f'},method,varargin{:});
    [phased,c] = gabphasederiv({'t','f'},method,varargin{:});

[tgrad,fgrad] = deal(phased{:});