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WFILTDTINFO - Plots dual-tree filters info



Input parameters

dw Wavelet dual-tree filterbank


wfiltdtinfo(w) plots impulse responses, frequency responses and approximation of the scaling and of the wavelet function(s) associated with the dual-tree wavelet filters defined by w in a single figure. Format of dw is the same as in dtwfb.

The figure is organized as follows:

First row shows impulse responses of the first (real) tree.

Second row shows impulse responses of the second (imag) tree.

Third row contains plots of real (green), imaginary (red) and absolute (blue) parts of approximation of scaling and wavelet function(s).

Fourth and fifth row show magnitude and phase frequency responses respectivelly of filters from rows 1 and 2 with matching colors.

Optionally it is possible to define scaling of the y axis of the frequency seponses. Supported are:

dB or linear scale respectivelly. By deault a dB scale is used.

